
Online Ukulele Lessons that Make Learning Fun

Learn Ukulele in our world of music. Build a love for music that will last a lifetime.


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Our fun-filled, easy-to-follow lessons are perfect for kids ages 4-12

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Learn to play ukulele & more!

  • Ukulele Lessons
  • Ukulele Practice
  • Reading Music
  • Exploring Instruments
  • Music Theory
  • Songs and more…

Great for beginners and up!

All Included!

Ukulele character



Lesson Guides

Progress Tracking

Kids Love Learning with our Simple & Effective Method

Video lessons icon

Video Lessons

Hundreds of on-demand, expert led lessons


Built in Practice

Jam along with music after every lesson


Jam along icon
Quiz icon

Interactive Quizzes

Rock that review with quizzes that give instant feedback


Earn Rewards

Celebrate your achievements by collecting Rock Stars


Rock Stars icon and coins

Explore More & Use Your Rewards!

Choose characters

My Musician

Choose your favorite Musical Character!

Rock, Jazz, Pop, R&B, Classical, it’s all here! Choose your avatar and they’ll join you on your music journey as you complete lessons and more.

The Music Store

Build your collection of instruments!

Learn about TONS of modern and vintage instruments in the virtual music store. Hear how they sound, change colors and choose your favorites as you build your instrument collection.

Choosing instruments
Music rooms screenshot

Music Rooms

Design your music rooms!

Bring your musician characters and instruments into your own music rooms! Customize a Jazz Club, Country Hall, Reggae Beach Stage and more with your unique style.


Learn with Music Games!

A growing list of interactive musical games will engage kids while they keep learning. Fun while learning is the name of the game!

Screenshot of the “Musical Memory Match” game

Kind Words From Our Members

"Wanted to pay you a deep and heartfelt compliment. Your website is fantastic. I am a music teacher, so I can relate to the challenges of holding a child’s attention and interest while slipping just the right amount of learning in there that they can actually digest and absorb it. You have aced this process emphatically. Keep doing what you’re doing and my hat’s off to you!"

Nimh | Oregon, US

stars yellow

"[My son] really loves the program, especially the Jam Alongs. I also love that he is learning the music and the notes as he is playing. I feel like your program adds so much, and it is so fun to see him learning and practicing. Thank you for all that you do! Your enthusiasm, kindness, and fun approach have really inspired him, it’s wonderful to see."

Amy | Shrewsbury, MA

stars yellow

"I have to say, I'm a pianist but have so far been frustrated because my daughter absolutely refuses for me to teach her…We tried your lessons, she loves them, we signed up, and now she knows all your songs and has even let me teach her a few! I couldn't recommend your lessons highly enough and have done so to other parents."

Matt | Auckland, NZ

stars yellow

"I love how you break everything down into the smallest steps in your program, provide lots of encouragement (the kid's voice comments are cool), and explain so clearly with such awesome supporting visuals. Thanks again."

Bettina | Melbourne, Australia

stars yellow

"I don't know what kid wouldn't love this!"

Divya | Hospet, India

stars yellow

"The material is amazing. The presentation couldn't be better! It is absolutely SUPERB - beyond superb. My Music Workshop demonstrates a TRUE gift for teaching. They educate with energy and dedication - and their lessons are fun!"

Ruth V.

stars yellow

"I just wanted to write and say how impressed I am with your program [my daughter] is loving it and is really dedicated, this program is amazing!"

Laura | Scarsdale, NY

stars yellow

"My son is 4 years old. He has autism. We signed up for these piano lessons 2 weeks ago. He is already playing the first 5 songs!"

Mom | Ontario, Canada

stars yellow

“The way you break things down and build them up so intuitively got them so excited to learn. They can feel confidence from the first lesson. I always tell my boys, your music coach is like a Lego master. He makes things that are hard to build easy by showing you how step-by-step. You’re doing great things and giving kids the chance to feel competent in things they otherwise would feel overwhelmed by. Comprehension, competence confidence! Thank you!”

Bryan | South Korea

stars yellow


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Frequently Asked Questions

What does my membership include?

Your My Music Workshop Membership includes the following:

1. Full access to ALL of our lessons and practice jam alongs (piano, drums, ukulele, singing, reading music, music basics, instrument exploration, rhythm and the beat, songs and pre-planned lessons). Many new lessons are added every week!

2. Interactive quizzes, lesson plans, downloadable worksheets and practice journals.

3. Musical avatars, games, rewards, virtual music store, music rooms,

4. A parents dashboard with easy account management and progress tracking.

5. Email support from your teachers! Send us an email at support@mymusicworkshop.com any time.

What ages do you serve?

Our program is great for kids from 4-12+. We have lessons that suit many different ages and ability levels.

Adults can also learn with our program! The concepts of learning music are the same and many adults find our program easy and fun to use.

Do I need an instrument?

If you learn with our instrument lessons (piano, drums, or ukulele) you will need an instrument. You can find our instrument recommendations with Amazon links at our store.

But, there are a lot of lessons in our program that DO NOT require an instrument. These are great on their own, or as a compliment to our piano, drum, ukulele.

What are the benefits of learning music online?

Learning music online is a simple, cost effective way for kids to learn music. Our lessons are meant to engage children and teach them various aspects of music. Our instrument lessons are broken down into easy to understand pieces AND they all include musical tracks that kids practice along with (this helps kids practice and have fun while learning to play)!

Learning online allows you to complete lessons conveniently and at your own pace. You can repeat lessons as many times as needed and use our practice lessons over and over.

Is My Music Workshop a replacement for private lessons?

Yes! But, My Music Workshop also works perfectly alongside private lessons.

Kids thrive in different environments, we want all kids to thrive when they learn music. Some kids do prefer learning in a private lesson setting. If your child does, we recommend finding a good instructor.

My Music Workshop is convenient for families because lessons can be done at home, at your child's own pace and can be repeated.

We also offer real music to practice to, with our "Jam Alongs," (playing along with music is one of the best ways to learn an instrument). In addition, we have loads of other musical lessons that teach reading music, music theory, instrument exploration, rhythm, patterns, songs and a whole lot more. These are a great compliment to our instrument lessons.

We also have tons of content for younger students as well who are musical but not old enough to start private instrument lessons.

Do you offer support?

Yes! We offer both lesson support and technical support.

You can reach us directly to receive fast answers to your questions via our "contact us" page. Ask us anything!

In nearly every case we reply within just a few hours or less. You'll receive answers from music teaching professionals with decades of experience teaching music to kids.

Do you offer a FREE trial?

Yes! You can access ALL of our lessons and other content, risk free, with our 7-day trial! 

How many students can use one membership?

A My Music Workshop membership can be used by one or more students.

We offer the ability to add additional students to your account, if you choose. This allows for individual tracking, rewards and customizations.

But, If you are part of a school or district please contact us for school pricing options.